There are no dues
Official meetings are held on the 3rd Sunday of each month (except June, July, and August). Short meetings, with the emphasis on the development of mutual interests, begin with potluck luncheon followed by socializing and bingo, dominoes, or cards.
Attend the 8:00 am mass on Thursdays followed with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and Holy Hour Devotions and Prayers followed by an informal social.
Attend the first of the month Sunday mass at 9:00 am as a group.
Participate in all parish activities.
Provide support to survivors by offering assistance at the Celebration of Life/Wake Services, the Funeral Mass, and the Memorial Luncheon for the deceased member.
Attend Memorial Masses for deceased members.
Participate in fund raising such as bake sales.
Participate in seminars and day trips to promote social, spiritual, recreational, and educational interaction.