Welcome to you, friends from Houston and from faraway places.
I take the opportunity to make a short presentation of our parish and our mission.
Assumption had been around longer than you and I. The parish was founded over 70yesars ago, by immigrants from Poland, Germany, the Check Republic and Italy. For long time it maintained its reputation to be an ‘immigrant parish’.
Still is: presently most of the members are not from those European countries but from the nearby Mexico and C.A. countries. Hispanics now make up near 80% of the parish population.
Assumption still maintains its mission to reach out to anyone in need, with special the attention to the most needy and vulnerable. For the past 35 years or so, the parish has been directed by the Congregation of the Somascan Fathers commonly called the “Somascans”. The Somascans have been founded in the 15th century by St. Jerome Emiliani a Venetian by birth and educator by trade who dedicated his life to poor and needy children.
Assumption directs also Assumption Elementary School and in that spirit continues its founder tradition to dedicate its attention to children.
The Parish services – Masses, Weddings, Quinceaneras, Baptisms…- are conducted in equal number: English and Spanish. The older comers hold on to the Spanish language and tradition, while the new arrivals tend to speak more English which they learn in school.
Assumption Parish is located in the Northeast of Houston, in the corner of Airline and Little York.
Bienvenidos a la Iglesia de la Asunción
Bienvenido's a nuestro Website.
La parroquia de la Asunción fue fundada más de 70 años atrás por unos inmigrantes de Polonia, Alemania, Republica Ceca, Italia y otros países europeos. Ahora la composición de la parroquia ha cambiado: los europeos han sido sustituidos por los hispanos, provenientes principalmente de México y Centro América. La población hispana de la parroquia es representada por más del 80%.
Por los últimos 35 años la parroquia fue dirigida por los Padres Somascos, una Orden fundada por San Jerónimo Emiliani. San Jerónimo vivió en el siglo 16 y dedicó toda su vida a los niños más pobres y necesitados.
Los servicios de la parroquia – Misas, Bodas, Quinceaneras, Bautismos…- son ofrecidos en Inglés y Español. La parroquia también dirige una escuela elementar, llamada Assumption Elementary School.
La parroquia de la Asunción es ubicada en la esquina de Airline y Little York, en Houston. Quieres más info? Llama el 281 447 638.
6:30PM - 8:00PM
4:00PM - 5:00PM
Every Thursday 8:45AM to 10:30PM